
Showing posts from July, 2022

Can An Almost-82-Year-Old Male Ilocano Work From Homer (WFH) Deliver Excellent Editing Results With Technical Manuscripts In English Via Microsoft Word? Asking For A Friend!

From my personal experience dating back to 1976, manuscripts for technical journals have mostly 3 problems: missing parts, incomplete or poor reasoning, and problematic grammar. Whatever your target journal is, I can help you based on my varied editorial works (plural) in the last 46 years. (Image sources: “5 Types” from iLovePhD, ; (“Write, Edit” from Washington University, ) ANN asks, “What Are The Major Reasons For Scientific Manuscript Rejection?” and answers her own question ( Scholar Hangout , ): Research paper writing is a specialized skill that all academicians have to learn. While publication is an essential part of the profession, the rates of rejection by journals are too high. Estimates suggest that for highly regarded journals like Cell, Nature , and Science , the rejection rate is as high as 97%! That is to say, of all the 100 submissions, only 3 make it through editorial and peer review scrutiny, and this is for top profes

Can An Almost-82-Year-Old Male Ilocano Work From Homer (WFH) Deliver Excellent Editing Results With Technical Manuscripts In English Via Microsoft Word? Asking For A Friend!

From my personal experience dating back to 1976, manuscripts for technical journals have mostly 3 problems: missing parts, incomplete or poor reasoning, and problematic grammar. Whatever your target journal is, I can help you based on my varied editorial works (plural) in the last 46 years. (Image sources: “5 Types” from iLovePhD, ; (“Write, Edit” from Washington University, ) ANN asks, “What Are The Major Reasons For Scientific Manuscript Rejection?” and answers her own question ( Scholar Hangout , ): Research paper writing is a specialized skill that all academicians have to learn. While publication is an essential part of the profession, the rates of rejection by journals are too high. Estimates suggest that for highly regarded journals like Cell, Nature , and Science , the rejection rate is as high as 97%! That is to say, of all the 100 submissions, only 3 make it through editorial and peer review scrutiny, and this is for top pro

Problematic With Your Technical Journal? Look No Farther For Your Editor In Chief Who Is A One-Man Band! Frank A Hilario, WFH

These are digital times; the Internet came to the Philippines in 1991 – yet 31 years later, even in the state-financed University of the Philippines System (UP), there are very few technical journals – and UP hardly makes those publications come out on time! UP is snubbing desktop publishing (DTP)! I am an alumnus of UP Los Baños, BSA Ag Edu (1965); Civil Service Professional (1964); self-taught digital writer, editor, formatter, layout artist, desktop publisher (DTP) – the DTP copy saved as portable document format (pdf) being the final file before commercial printing. I’m your one-man-digital band in manuscripts & publications. I know of a government agency – nameless here – that used to publish a technical journal but has stopped for years and now wants to publish again. They have my email; if they want me to restart that journal, they have to “show me the money” – I mean, they should convince me that their office has allotted a budget for the regular publication of their jour

Problematic With Your Technical Journal? Look No Farther For Your Editor In Chief Who Is A One-Man Band! Frank A Hilario, WFH

These are digital times; the Internet came to the Philippines in 1991 – yet 31 years later, even in the state-financed University of the Philippines System (UP), there are very few technical journals – and UP hardly makes those publications come out on time! UP is snubbing desktop publishing (DTP)! I am an alumnus of UP Los Baños, BSA Ag Edu (1965); Civil Service Professional (1964); self-taught digital writer, editor, formatter, layout artist, desktop publisher (DTP) – the DTP copy saved as portable document format (pdf) being the final file before commercial printing. I’m your one-man-digital band in manuscripts & publications. I know of a government agency – nameless here – that used to publish a technical journal but has stopped for years and now wants to publish again. They have my email; if they want me to restart that journal, they have to “show me the money” – I mean, they should convince me that their office has allotted a budget for the regular publication of their j

Book To Publish? For Help, You Came To The Right Place! Ask For FAH – Fast And Helpful

Digital Publishing is one Smart Revolution today. If you’re looking for a desktop publisher for your book, look no further! First with the desktop computer and later with the personal computer (PC), I have desktop published (DTPed) about 20 books in the last 28 years. Yes, I’m an original aboriginal, Ilocano. Yes, I use Microsoft Word – while MS Word is not called a desktop publisher (DTP), my DTPing books via MS Word means I had mastered the ins-and-outs of this software a long, long time ago yet! And with my UPLB BS Agriculture major in Ag Edu, Civil Service Professional, I say I am a good student because I have a good teacher! Discovering will get you places. In 1994, I desktop published my first book, for UPLB professor Ofelia Karganilla Bautista (OKB) – her book was Introduction To Tropical Horticulture (Second Edition) published by Searca. The book’s Introduction in part says ( ): The revision of the first [edition] was done with the recognition that there have

Book To Publish? For Help, You Came To The Right Place! Ask For FAH – Fast And Helpful

Digital Publishing is one Smart Revolution today. If you’re looking for a desktop publisher for your book, look no further! First with the desktop computer and later with the personal computer (PC), I have desktop published (DTPed) about 20 books in the last 28 years. Yes, I’m an original aboriginal, Ilocano. Yes, I use Microsoft Word – while MS Word is not called a desktop publisher (DTP), my DTPing books via MS Word means I had mastered the ins-and-outs of this software a long, long time ago yet! And with my UPLB BS Agriculture major in Ag Edu, Civil Service Professional, I say I am a good student because I have a good teacher! Discovering will get you places. In 1994, I desktop published my first book, for UPLB professor Ofelia Karganilla Bautista (OKB) – her book was Introduction To Tropical Horticulture (Second Edition) published by Searca. The book’s Introduction in part says ( ): The revision of the first [edition] was done with the recognition that there

Frank A Hilario, Your Digital One-Man-Band Editor Of Manuscripts & Editor In Chief Of Publications

Nobody’s offering personal work from home (WFH) digital services in writing, editing and desktop publishing on Facebook, so I have this day-old blog, “Digital Frank A Hilario” ( ). Yes, I am “Your Digital FAH – Friend And Helper.” Yes, I enjoy being a WFH. At home, I use 2 monitors: a   Lenovo 14-inch ThinkPad , Core i7, and a 20-inch ViewSonic . I set my Windows 10 to background slideshow, so images keep changing in both monitors, from thousands of photographs I have collected with my 10-year-old-now-missing Lumix FZ100 digital camera. Nice views if you can get it! Yes, I can help you digitally from A to I: Author, Blogger, Communicator, Desktop Publisher, Editor, Editor in Chief, Forest Conservation Advocate, Ghostwriter, Home-Based Contributor, and In-House Editor-Publisher. We begin. For manuscripts of (1) theses and dissertations, in Agriculture & related fields, and (2) technical papers for publication, here’s some advice: 1.      Title – D

Frank A Hilario, Your Digital One-Man-Band Editor Of Manuscripts & Editor In Chief Of Publications

Nobody’s offering personal work from home (WFH) digital services in writing, editing and desktop publishing on Facebook, so I have this day-old blog, “Digital Frank A Hilario” ( ). Yes, I am “Your Digital FAH – Friend And Helper.” Yes, I enjoy being a WFH. At home, I use 2 monitors: a   Lenovo 14-inch ThinkPad , Core i7, and a 20-inch ViewSonic . I set my Windows 10 to background slideshow, so images keep changing in both monitors, from thousands of photographs I have collected with my 10-year-old-now-missing Lumix FZ100 digital camera. Nice views if you can get it! Yes, I can help you digitally from A to I: Author, Blogger, Communicator, Desktop Publisher, Editor, Editor in Chief, Forest Conservation Advocate, Ghostwriter, Home-Based Contributor, and In-House Editor-Publisher. We begin. For manuscripts of (1) theses and dissertations, in Agriculture & related fields, and (2) technical papers for publication, here’s some advice: 1.      Title

Frank A Hilario, Your Digital FAH – Friend And Helper

Frank A Hilario is a 9-in-1 digital information specialist, from A to I: Author, Blogger, Communicator, Desktop Publisher, Editor in Chief, Forest-Conservation Advocate, Ghostwriter, Home-Based Information Editor, and In-House Editor-Publisher. All work-from-home (WFH). Friend, how may I help you?! Author – Since 2000, I have authored at least 13 books: 8 books for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 2 for UPLB Vanguards, 1 on Jose Rizal, 1 on UP Los Baños alumni, and 1 coffee-table book for Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC). Blogger – Since 2000, I have blogged about 8,000 essays (about 8 million words), mostly on agriculture and related fields.   Communicator – In 1980, I invented the art & system of Communication for Development ( ComDev); 40 years later, I transformed it into Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century (CoViD21). Today, Agriculture motivates me to do CoViD21. Desktop Publisher (DTP) – Wit

Frank A Hilario, Your Digital FAH – Friend And Helper

Frank A Hilario is a 9-in-1 digital information specialist, from A to I: Author, Blogger, Communicator, Desktop Publisher, Editor in Chief, Forest-Conservation Advocate, Ghostwriter, Home-Based Information Editor, and In-House Editor-Publisher. All work-from-home (WFH). Friend, how may I help you?! Author – Since 2000, I have authored at least 13 books: 8 books for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 2 for UPLB Vanguards, 1 on Jose Rizal, 1 on UP Los Baños alumni, and 1 coffee-table book for Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC). Blogger – Since 2000, I have blogged about 8,000 essays (about 8 million words), mostly on agriculture and related fields.   Communicator – In 1980, I invented the art & system of Communication for Development ( ComDev); 40 years later, I transformed it into Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century (CoViD21). Today, Agriculture motivates me to do CoViD21. Desktop Publisher (DT

Looking For An Editor? You Have A Manuscript That Needs Editing. My Advice: “Choose One Who Is Client-Friendly, Digital – And Has Many Years Of Experience!”

What type of manuscript/s do you have that need editing to be good, better, best – book, dissertation, journal-candidate, lecture, manuscript for publication, technical paper, or thesis? As an Editor in Agriculture and related fields, I can help you produce an A-1 manuscript very fast – given my 47 years of experience, and in the last 21 years all-digital. (I can also desktop-publish a whole journal issue, or a whole magazine, or a whole book, for you! I have excellent experiences with those.) (Image sources: “Freelance Editor” from well-storied, ; “Client Friendly” from, ) Your Editor must be one who is “client-friendly,” as according to Yes, hyphen is necessary; and co , not . com – 2 examples of good proofreading, which calls for wide knowledge of the subject matter, which you should look for in an Editor. “I AM ADAM" – Here is a complete list of editorial services offered by Frank A Hilario as a o

“Writer’s Champ Vs Writer’s Cramp” – You Are One Of Our Modern Indios Bravos If You Can Start – And Then Finish Writing Your Book!

In these unpredictable times, long after the Spanish conquerors called us Filipinos “Indios,” you have to be an Indian Brave if you want to write your autobiography or memoirs. Actually, your first problem is not these challenging times but the time you spend writing your book! Do you know how to spend it wisely? I doubt it. This is an author of 20+ books – all of them written in drafts and finalized digitally – thank God , and Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak for the personal computer or PC! The image you see above is the cover of my Dec 2005 book titled “ indios bravos! Jose Rizal as Messiah of the Redemption.” Singly, I believe Rizal was not after Revolution but after Redemption of the Filipinos from mental slavery. Today, I am your Redeemer. I will redeem you from your writer’s cramp, your inability to write your book. I am your Writer’s Champ who guarantees you no Writer’s Cramp! What is a Writer-Editor with 50+ years experience and who published his own 20+ books good for? (No

The Dilemma Of My Friend Nestor Maniebo Pestelos, (Not) Coming Out With His Personal-Social Memoirs At 81!

Nestor Maniebo Pestelos from Tiaong, Quezon, married & living in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, is a good friend of mine, mind, dating back 60+ years when we were students at UPCA, now UP Los Baños – we both took the competitive writing exam for the Editor In Chief of the UPCA Student Body Organization ’s newspaper called Aggie Green & Gold , and he won. He already had content and style, from voracious reading, including Jean-Paul Sarte – existentialist. Me, never heard of him! And you know what Nestor Mn Pestelos did as Editor In Chief? He appointed Frank A Hilario, a stranger, full-blooded Ilocano, Tagalog Editor ! A historical first. Ah, but in high school, I had been devouring Liwayway and Bulaklak ! The other day or so, I saw Nestor’s Lament on Facebook, this: Nestor Maniebo Pestelos NOTES TO MYSELF AT 70 (… First time to be posted)… Surprised I found this in my digital file. This was written 9 years ago, when I reached 70. Must find time to finish it now that I feel my b